Posted by: Jeremiah Graves | January 3, 2013

Welcome to the List…

Cassadee Pope

It’s become a bit of a tradition around here that I let y’all in on the action when I induct a new gal to my official Celebrity Crush List.

That having been said, you can probably figure out where this post is headed.

A few weeks back, Grace and I were flipping through the channels and we ended up on “The Voice.”

Neither one of us was really watching it, but rather it served purpose as background noise until out of nowhere I heard some lovely young lass covering an Avril Lavigne song.

Naturally, this peaked my interest.

That lovely young lass was the eventual winner of the show, Cassadee Pope.

She reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it who it was. The next day on Facebook I posed the following question, but received very little feedback.

The Question...

She’s cute. She sings my kind of music. She’s exactly the type of gal that I should have a crush on, but for some reason, I was hesitant.

Now I’ve figured out why. She’s a combination of Kristen Stewart (not-crushable) and Anna Kendrick (crushable). This is why I’m so conflicted.

Granted, now that she’s officially won the contest and I’ve spent the better part of the last week and a half listening to her cover awesome songs, I think she’s officially on my crush radar.

I’m going to zone out the Kristen Stewart and focus heavily on the Anna Kendrick thing. Yeah, I think that’ll work just fine.

Welcome to the list, Cassadee Pope!

Play us out, Cassadee:

Follow-Up: I checked in with Grace and she got way more of an Anna Kendrick vibe than she did Kristen Stewart! We call this a win-win, folks.


  1. Ugh. Now that you said she reminds you of Kristen Stewart, I see it. I never really noticed before. Now it’s gonna bug me, thank you very much.

    I was actually rooting for Nicholas David. His sound was so soulful and different than anybody else and pop just ain’t my thang anymore.

    But they had a pretty talented crop this year. I really liked Melanie, too (the girl with the blond hair on one side and black on the other who always wore a big bow and looked like she was all of twelve years old). She had a pretty unique sound, as well.


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