Posted by: Jeremiah Graves | April 22, 2013

Day by Day

baby steps

I hugged a student at the circulation desk today.

She came into the library not long after the city-wide moment of silence and was visibly shaken; she looked like she was on the verge of tears from the second she walked in the door.

She attempted to stay composed and get a book she’d requested, but quickly broke down into tears and quietly mumbled many of the same questions we’ve all been asking since last week why did this happen?, why here?, why now?, will we be okay?

Given that I’m clearly a Human Resources nightmare; I stepped around the desk, gave her a hug, and said that things are going to get better in time.

She hugged me back and thanked me for the gesture. She apologized for making a scene and I told her it was fine. I hooked her up with her book and she went on her way.

Assuming she doesn’t turn around and sue me or the Libraries, it was a goodwill gesture that appeared to come at just the right time and I’m happy to have been the one to provide it.

I’m not a touchy-feely guy, I’ve previously written before about my struggles with properly showing emotion. I am, however, a hugger (and a damned fine one if I do say so myself) and sometimes people just need a hug.

It’s been a rough week in Boston and elsewhere in the world, if the chance to give someone a hug comes along, take it. It won’t magically make things better, but it sure as hell won’t hurt either.


  1. There’s nothing like a good hug, especially when you need it.


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