Posted by: Jeremiah Graves | August 27, 2012

Silver Lining: Bad Haircut Edition

Awhile back, I mentioned that I like to try to find the “silver lining” in bad situations and I’ve done that yet again recently.

Last week, I got my hair butchered at Super Cuts.

In an effort to remedy the situation, this past weekend I randomly walked into a fancy salon up by Harvard and got it repaired.

(Blogger’s Note: I walked in because it looked expensive and I figured that meant they’d know what to do. Apparently, that was a correct assumption.)

Unfortunately, given the abysmal hack-job that the folks at Super Cuts had done initially, my hair had to go short.

We’re talking really, really short.

I’ve worn my hair kinda shaggy for years now, so it’s certainly a transition.

Luckily, I’m all about the silver linings, so I’m making this work for me.

In addition to using decidedly-less shampoo, I’ve found a second, much more positive silver lining from this situation.

The upshot to getting my hair cut so short is that it makes it much, much harder to tell that I’ve got a serious Hulk Hogan style balding pattern coming on.

This is pretty much exactly what I’m going to look like in two or three years.

Now if only I could grow the mustache!!


  1. Hey Jeremiah, why does WordPress force me to double confirm that I want to receive follow-up messages? It makes it go from not annoying to post to super duper annoying to post.


    • No idea, My Friend.

      WordPress and its inner-workings are well-beyond both my comprehension and my control.

      I just write here.


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