Posted by: Jeremiah Graves | January 2, 2013

Things at Which I Suck: Taking Photos

Mail Order Ribs!!

I suck at taking photos.

What you see above is the only picture I took during my entire Christmas vacation.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like there wasn’t plenty of cool stuff or awesome people to photograph on this trip. I just really suck at taking photographs.

On this trip, I flew from Boston to Minneapolis. I spent three days in the Twin Cities and spent some time at the Mall of America. I drove down to Iowa and spent three days with my family. There was a sizable snowstorm. I drove back up to Minnesota in said snowstorm. I spent an evening hanging out with friends and looking ridiculous playing XBOX Kinect games. I spent a day hanging out in a hospital and then driving back to the Twin Cities before flying back out the next morning.

In all that time, despite all of the family, friends, and cool stuff I saw and did, the only picture I took was of an advertisement in the in-flight magazine for mail order ribs.

And I took it before we ever pulled away from the gate in Boston.

No pictures of presents. No pictures of family. No pictures of the snow. No pictures of my friends. No pictures of my rental car. No obligatory pictures of the food I ate (and I ate Taco John’s AND Five Guys). No pictures of Christmas trees.

No pictures of anything…except an advertisement for mail order ribs.

Seriously, I’m the f’n worst.


  1. I’m the same way…sometimes I feel that I would be a bother to other people if I ask to take a picture of them. That’s why most of the pictures I took in 2012 were of my dog! 😉


    • Admittedly, I did take something like 2,000 pictures of Honey…and like, another, 50+ of McRibs. That’s about it though. I can’t imagine that’s normal.


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