Posted by: Jeremiah Graves | May 18, 2012

Yet Another Blog Entry Where I Ask Y’all for a Favor

I’ve asked y’all for favors in the past and I’m here to do so once again.

Unlike previous requests, however, I’m not asking anyone to master time travel and physically assault me or help hook me up with an amazing t-shirt.

In fact, this particular favor doesn’t really benefit me in any way, but rather, I’m hoping it will benefit the fine folks at the Gifford Cat Shelter (aka: Honey’s pre-adoption home).

The Gifford Shelter is one of more than 200 cat shelters nationwide that was nominated for a “$1,000 Catification Makeover” and the Gifford Shelter is now one of ten finalists for the grand prize.

Here is a quick snippet from the contest website to give you some context:

Every shelter was nominated for a reason, from large to small and old to new, with most struggling through adversity. There were fires, floods, lost leases, and other impossible challenges. One thing became obvious — every shelter is worthy of winning the big prize. Some need it more than others, but they are all worthy.

The Gifford Shelter was established in 1884 and is the oldest cageless, no-kill shelter for cats in the United States.

It is a great facility, but it showing its age and could definitely use the money and prizes that come with winning the contest.

So head over to the contest website and scroll down the page and read the bios for the ten finalists—the Gifford Shelter is profiled right under the picture with the purple walls and the cat that looks suspiciously like a Honey-doppelganger—and then scroll to the bottom of the page and vote.

Even if you don’t vote for the Gifford Shelter, vote for one of the finalists as these shelters are often underfunded and struggling to meet the costs required to do the amazing work they do.

There is no wrong vote.


  1. Wow! So many wonderful people are doing such great work for our beloved pets! It gives me a renewed sense of positivity that there still are good people in this world! Voted for The Gifford Shelter…crossing my fingers that Honey’s first home will win the contest! 🙂


    • I think they’re kind of a long-shot, last I checked they were pretty far down the totem pole, but I appreciate the vote!

      Luckily, with something like this, it doesn’t matter who wins, because everyone needs the money and supplies.


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