Posted by: Jeremiah Graves | November 5, 2009

A Moment with Grace

mladyhalloweenGrace says some pretty intriguing stuff.

Some of it is funny. Some of it is serious. Some of it is bat-shit crazy.

Most of it is in song…because she thinks life is one gigantic musical.

Anyway, tonight we were talking about our upcoming anniversary—it’s this Saturday, November 7th, for those of you in the present buying business—and more importantly we were discussing our plan to not buy each other gifts.

We’ve decided instead to pool our money to buy some things we both want for around the apartment and a soon-to-be-blogged-about remodeling(ish) of our spare room. As such, we’re making our first-ever trek to IKEA next week, wait, I’m getting off topic…

…anyway, Grace doesn’t believe that I haven’t gotten her a gift.

In fact, she has blatantly accused me of getting her a gift and she is annoyed because she is worried she’ll have to run out last minute and try to find me a gift.

Anyway, that’s all the back-story you need, here’s the little ditty that brought it all home:

“This always happens! We say we’re not going to get each other anything and then you go out and get me an SUV and I get you a picture frame and I look like an ass!!”

…and there you have it, my Faithful Readers, your moment with Grace.


  1. I ❤ Grace and that is a fabulous picture!

    I hope you blog about your first-ever trip to IKEA. It's quite the experience. One tip: MAKE SURE you are not in a frustrated, I-want-to-kill-people mood when you go in. I really don't want to be reading about your 5-state killing spree the next day!


    • That’s good to know. I’ll do everything I can to shake off any bad mojo before I enter the sacred halls of IKEA.


  2. yeah, the first time I saw that picture, my comment was:
    “I always knew I liked her, and now I know why”
    pretty sure this is just like finding a whole bowl of only red jellybeans. amazing.
    btw, aren’t you two going on common law by now?


    • That depends, how long is it for a common law marriage?!

      …and what are the exact rules?!

      I’m sure we can find a way to side-step ’em…


  3. […] snippets of our life. Things like Grace accidentally putting in my contacts instead of her own or getting annoyed when she thinks that I’m going to buy her a gift despite our pledge to not buy one another […]


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